Cinema Booking System Web Application

A full-stack web application Cinema Booking Web Application, implementing features like user authentication, movie listings, and boooking management.

This Cinema Booking System Web Application was developed as part of my Full Stack Development course during my second year of studies at RMIT University, Australia. The application was built using a combination of React, CSS, MySQL, Express, Sequelize, GraphQL, and REST API to deliver a fully functional web application for managing cinema bookings.

The app features an Admin Dashboard where the admin can manage movie data, reviews, and user accounts. Movie information is stored and retrieved from the database, with data fetched through GraphQL. Users can view available movies, and admins can update, create, or delete movie details. Admins also have the ability to delete reviews, block/unblock users, and prevent blocked users from adding or editing reviews. When reviews are deleted, a prompt is displayed notifying users of the deletion.

For the full project, please visit the repository for this project: